Thursday, September 15, 2011

New outlook

As I am nearing the end of week one a few things have become apparent to me. Prior I was counting down days until my return home and thinking about America, home, family, Chance, and friends. I have realized that the outlook I had on this situation was completely negative. Of course there will be times that I immensely miss home, but if I am not living in the present it will be hard for me to learn and grow in this experience according to God's plan.
I talked to Nicole last night, who is in America but has been down here many, many times. She really helped me undertand that the transition is hard but soon this will be normal. Nicole also helped me with ideas on where my place is in this ministry.
I have now caught my third mouse and have seen more! I am excited to head back to the store to get more traps so I am armed and ready for these critters that think they can cramp my style :).

Tonight was great, I was invited over to the neighbors house for dinner with their family. It was great to sit and talk with other people. They have made me feel welcomed and supported. We discussed my feelings and saddness that has been apparent the first few days, but they assured me,like Nicole, that I will settle in and get used to it. Keri made a delicious stromboli and salad! It was a great "escape" from the dining hall.

I am still tying to see exctly what God has planned for me while here. I think that I could hopefully work more with a boy that has Autism. Seeing how this week goes with my current schedule is important, but if I do not feel as though that is my call while I am here I am going to try to talk to some people to get that rearranged.

Also, unfortunately I am not able to upload pictures onto my blog. Therefore I have set up a photo bucket account. The username is : laurenschraut and password: Jamaica11. So just go to and sign in with those. (if that doesn't work someone please let me know!)

Isaiah 41:13 For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear, I will help you.

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